In the image_captioning_.ipynb we download the datasets and all of the preprocessing training and evaluation takes place.
>Dataset Used: MS-COCO(subset containing 15000 randomly shuffled images)
Vocabulary: The vocabulary consists of mapping between words and indices(we limited the size of vocabulary to 5000 instead of 10000 as discussed in paper to save memory)
Encoder: ResNet without the final classification layer with pretrained weights. we could also try trainig the encoder instead of loading pretrained weights.
Decoder: GRU(Gated recurrent unit) is used as decoder with Bahdanau attention. Using attention based architechture we can observe which parts of images were identified for generating words(or captions). 2 GRUs are stacked on top of each other and 3 fully connected layers for predictions with 0.25 droupout at every stage in decoder.
Caption Generation: Based on highest probability/greedy search.
Training: Teacher forcing is used to reduce training time for the RNN.
Score: Maximum cosine similarity between the 5 true captions and the predicted caption. Mean cosine similarity of 50 random images : 0.82622829
Video to frames: Using OpenCV
Transformer used(for Summarization): T5 base