Sign Language Translator

Sign Language Translator

In this presentation, we will be demonstrating a Computer Vision demo using YOLOv5 on the American Sign Language Dataset including 26 classes.The model identifies signs in real time as well as with input image or audio and builds bounding boxes showing label with confidence value..The model is showcased using streamlit which can take input as an image.

Bosch's Model Extraction Attack For Video Classification

Bosch's Model Extraction Attack For Video Classification

The folder structure consists of four directories: BlackBox_P1, BlackBox_P2, GreyBox_P1, and GreyBox_P2. These directories contain scripts for training extracted models from victims named SwinT and MoViNet, under Black Box and Grey Box settings. Each directory has setup instructions in the corresponding "setup_readme" file. Additionally, there is an "Evaluation_All" folder with Jupyter Notebooks for evaluation, and details on the setup and run environment can be found in the "eval_readme" file. The training codes were executed on a server with an NVIDIA V100 GPU, while the evaluation codes were run on Google Colaboratory using a Pro Plus subscription.



This is a simple AI Chat Bot, build using rasa framework. Rasa provides flexible conversational AI for building text and voice-based assistants.

For Frontend we have used rasa’s standard frontend.
This chat bot give answer to any general questions related to IIT Indore. This can give answers to questions like about iiti, faculties/Professor, departments, placement, hostels, campus, events, medical facilities, sport facilities, international relations and many other questions.

Image Captioning-Video Summarizer

Image Captioning-Video Summarizer

Image captioning is done using an attention-based encoder-decoder model with a pre-trained ResNet as the encoder and GRU as the decoder. Frames are extracted from videos, and captions are generated using the image captioning model, retaining only captions with low similarity scores to the previous caption. Video summarization is performed by extracting frames using OpenCV and using the T5 base Transformer model for abstractive summarization. The implementation includes dataset handling, vocabulary mapping, model architecture, training with teacher forcing, and evaluation using cosine similarity.

Rock Paper Scissors Using CV

Rock Paper Scissors Using CV

A simple Rock-Paper-Scissors game using CV in python For IITISOC-21

Rules and procedure to play the interactive game:
While playing the game, make sure that the background is plain (a white wall, a notebook for a background, etc.).
It is preffered to make clear and upright gestures to get best prediction accuracy.
The gesture should lie completely inside the designated box on the right side.
At any time, press "q" to quit the game.
Keep up the volume to enjoy the retro music alongside !

Image Denoising

Image Denoising

With CCTV images not being very clear on zooming there is a great demand for image denoising models. Build a model which takes input of noisy RGB images and outputs denoised images. Carefully study the kind of noise CCTV images have and target accordingly.

Face Recognition

Face Recognition

The backend program uses the 'face_recognition' and 'OpenCV' libraries to perform face recognition. It involves training the model with known faces, extracting features from bounding boxes, comparing features with a tolerance level for matching, and displaying the matched name. User information is stored in a 'face.db' database, while uploaded images are stored in a 'Faces' folder for easy access by OpenCV during deployment.In summary, the face recognition system combines a backend program that utilizes 'face_recognition' and 'OpenCV' for face recognition tasks. The system involves training the model, comparing features, displaying results, and storing user information and images separately for efficient processing.

Music Recommendation System

Music Recommendation System

Creating the best algorithm for music recommender system by testing various recommendation techniques

Anywhere Piano

Anywhere Piano

Creating real time virtual piano using CV that can be played anywhere and anytime with adjustable piano size



Introduction and extensive exposure to RL and its intricacies by trying different RL Algorithms on LUX AI Competition

Tranlate and Summarize News

Tranlate and Summarize News

Creating a system which automatically delivers news summaries in local language, keeping in mind the fact that many people not well versed with English also like to keep up with the daily happenings of the world. Task is to create an efficient pipeline and ensure that the factuality of the news through summarization and translation

EMG signal gesture identification

EMG signal gesture identification

Creating a model that is capable of classifying different arm gestures whose signal data is recorded using myoarm bands. This project gave an exposure to digital signal processing and various classification model in existence

Automatic Meeting Notes

Automatic Meeting Notes

Developing a model to make automatic meeting notes from the Audio recording of the meeting and translating it to the user specific language

Adobe-Mid Prep Problem Statement: Behaviour Simulation CHallenge-Inter IIT Tech Meet

Adobe-Mid Prep Problem Statement: Behaviour Simulation CHallenge-Inter IIT Tech Meet

The challenge involves behavior simulation and content generation, divided into two tasks. Behaviour Simulation focuses on to give the user, an estimated number of likes that a particular tweet will recieve on twitter if the tweet is posted on the platfrom from the community. The Content Generation aims to generate the content of the tweet, given the metadata of the tweet, i.e. given the number of likes, content attached, time, usernames etc. predict what would be the tweet.

DevRev-High Prep Problem Statement: Inter IIT Tech Meet

DevRev-High Prep Problem Statement: Inter IIT Tech Meet

The primary goal of this challenge was to design a language model equipped with a toolkit capable of generating an output. This output should be a subset of the tools and their corresponding arguments, enabling the composition of an answer to a natural language query inputted by the user.



Try On AI refers to an application that allows users to virtually 'try on' clothing, accessories, or other items using augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) technology. This project could involve creating a platform where users upload a photo of themselves, and the AI technology superimposes different clothing items onto their image to show how they might look when wearing those items

Stock Prize Prediction

Stock Prize Prediction

This project aims to predict the prices of stocks using historical data and machine learning algorithms. This project is based on Time Series Prediction models like meta's fbprophet and also models based on LSTM (RNN).

AI Companion

AI Companion

AI Companion that listens to you and talks to you. It uses OpenAI Whisper-Tiny model that convert speech to text, PersonaGPT model which responds to the output and gTTS model that converts text to speech.